ClassMate Trainer

ClassMate Trainer
  • Trained instructors and administrators on ClassMate instructional technology, which is an efficiency-enhancing software used in career and technical centers to track student progress such as grading, reporting and performance.
  • Managed various ClassMate clients in the Western PA region, providing exceptional customer service.
  • Conducted Go To Meetings to train clients on software and assist them in learning more about the special features and how these could enhance efficiencies in their daily tasks.
  • Wrote and produced training videos on modules in the Classmate software for clients to have easy-to-use instruction at their fingertips.
  • Provided professional development training to ClassLink clients on various modules, reporting features and updates to the software to ensure they felt confident utilizing the technology.
  • Participated in webinars to enhance knowledge of company software.

ClassLink Pittsburgh, PA. January 2010 – December 2011 (2 years)